Monday, February 25, 2013

6 Months Home with Cam

Sorry we have not posted in the past few months. We've been really busy now that Cameron is home. Today marks 6 months since we met Cam. He is now 21 months old. It has gone by so fast and he has changed so much. Cameron has some delays but he is working very hard to catch up on the milestones he missed during his first 15 months in China. Here are some highlights:

Cameron has gained almost 8 pounds and 2.5 inches. He wasn't on the growth charts back in September and now he's in the 25% for weight and 23% for height. Cam had 6 teeth in China and now has 15.

Cam was very weak when we first met him. But now with lots of food, love, and physical/occupational therapy he is so much stronger! He started to belly crawl back in November and he graduated to crawling on all fours a few weeks ago. He can pull himself up to standing. We hope he will be walking in a few months. He loves being able to make his way around the house and get to his favorite toys. Speaking of which, he loves cars and trucks! Anything with wheels grabs his attention.

Cameron has found his voice! He was very quiet early on but he is always jibber jabbering now. He has about a dozen words he uses regularly. He has become a great mimic as well. He loves to pretend cough and sneeze. This is ironic since he's been very healthy while with us!

Our little man is such a sweetheart. He is so smiley and happy. He loves his big sister Grace. Of course we knew this the moment he laid eyes on her when we were in China! He's becoming attached to us as well. When I leaves for work every morning he says "bye bye, Da Da". Sometimes he cries when I leave. There are more and more times when only Mommy will do. Those are mostly at 3am!! He's started to crawl around the house looking for Mommy if she's not close by. And he always wants to come right back to Mommy to hold him even if he's spent all day with her. He's an absolute love.

Jen's days are very busy with Cameron's PT and OT work. They also started a parent and child playgroup one morning a week. This is run by his early intervention program. He loves seeing other kids his age. I think seeing the other little ones walking is a great motivator!

Now what you've all been waiting!!! Here are some favorites over the past few months.

Pre Haircut
Not so sure about this white stuff

Daddy's Snow Angels

Chinese New Year

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